kul grej...
Ser att Ali Esbati och Emma Lövgren roar sig med att "spå i MP3". grejen är att man läggaer in alla sina MP3-låtar i winamp och slår på funktionen för att slumpa fram låtar. Svaret på frågan är sedan låten.. typ. Det var ganska kul, faktiskt. Dessutom förvånades man över musik man inte visste att man hade.
1. Will it be ok?
Dag för slagsmål (Navid Modiri & Gudarna)
2. How are you feeling today?
Ishockeyfrisyr (De lyckliga kompisarna)
3. How do your friends see you?
Trrrism (Looptroop)
4. Will you get married?
Red Light (the strokes)
5. What is your best friend's theme song?
Quick and to the pointless (Queens of the stoneage)
6. What is the story of your life?
Min tid (Petter)
7. What was high school like?
Vicinity of Obscenity (System of a Down)
8. How can you get ahead in life?
The strongest gang (the predator)
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Brain damage (Pink Floyd)
10. What is today going to be like?
Before the rain (Charta 77)
11. What is in store for this weekend?
Heart in a cage (the Strokes)
12. What song describes you?
Det förlorade landet (Cirkus Miramar)
13. How is your life going?
sunfuzz (Alias & Ehren)
14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Du är Religion (Imperiet)
15. How does the world see you?
Jag låg med henne i Tjeckoslovakien (Doktor Kosmos)
16. Will you have a happy life?
Scoutvisan (Philemon Arthur & the Dung)
17. What do your friends really think of you?
Bulls on Parade/Sleep now in the fire (Audioslave live in Cuba)
18. Do people secretly lust after you?
Det är mitt liv det gäller (Kenta)
19. How can I make myself happy?
Guerilla Radio (Rage against the Machine)
20. What should you do with your life?
Kick out the Jams (Rage against the Machine)
21. Will you ever have children?
The the point (Sizzla)
1. Will it be ok?
Dag för slagsmål (Navid Modiri & Gudarna)
2. How are you feeling today?
Ishockeyfrisyr (De lyckliga kompisarna)
3. How do your friends see you?
Trrrism (Looptroop)
4. Will you get married?
Red Light (the strokes)
5. What is your best friend's theme song?
Quick and to the pointless (Queens of the stoneage)
6. What is the story of your life?
Min tid (Petter)
7. What was high school like?
Vicinity of Obscenity (System of a Down)
8. How can you get ahead in life?
The strongest gang (the predator)
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Brain damage (Pink Floyd)
10. What is today going to be like?
Before the rain (Charta 77)
11. What is in store for this weekend?
Heart in a cage (the Strokes)
12. What song describes you?
Det förlorade landet (Cirkus Miramar)
13. How is your life going?
sunfuzz (Alias & Ehren)
14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Du är Religion (Imperiet)
15. How does the world see you?
Jag låg med henne i Tjeckoslovakien (Doktor Kosmos)
16. Will you have a happy life?
Scoutvisan (Philemon Arthur & the Dung)
17. What do your friends really think of you?
Bulls on Parade/Sleep now in the fire (Audioslave live in Cuba)
18. Do people secretly lust after you?
Det är mitt liv det gäller (Kenta)
19. How can I make myself happy?
Guerilla Radio (Rage against the Machine)
20. What should you do with your life?
Kick out the Jams (Rage against the Machine)
21. Will you ever have children?
The the point (Sizzla)